Managing Physical Drives

Command center provides extensive cloud physical drive management functionality.
Using Command Center Zadara Cloud administrator can easily perform activities such as :
  • Drive inventory management

  • Drive validation and failure management

  • Assignment of drives to specific roles

Viewing Physical Drive Inventory

Command center displays overall drive inventory under the Drives tab.


Drive inventory is primarily divided by drive model and displays detailed utilization per each group.





Number of drives from the specific model available in this cloud


Drives that were set to disabled by the cloud admin


Drives that are physically unavailable ( taken out of their bay)


Drives which are actively assigned to a VPSA instance


Drives not assigned to any VPSA instance


Drive inventory assigned to a specific VPSA, deployed on a specific protection zone
or installed on a specific Storage node can be also viewed from the corresponding VPSA/SN/Protection Zone

Viewing Drive Properties

From the Command center drives tab select the drive group to which the required drive belong a after list of group members appear select the required drive.

Drive Properties




Device name

Device file identifier for this drive

Drive Type

Drive model


Physical capacity(Gib) of the drive. Note: SSD cache drives will also present capacity of allocated partitions


Indicates whether this drive is licensed on the cloud level


Indicates the current status of the drive(Ex: allocated)


SN SCSI address for the specified Drive

PCI Address

SN PCI address for the specified Drive


SN SCSI address for the specified Drive

PCI Address

SN PCI address for the specified Drive

Product ID

Product Id for the specific drive

Firmware version

Specified Drive Firmware Version

Serial Number

Serial Number of this drive


Linux UUID for the SN Device


weather this drive is being used as SSD cache


SN and MegaRaid location identifier for this drive (Adapter IDEnclosure IDSlot)

Adapter cache policy

MegaRaid Adapter cache policy(Writeback - adapter write buffering Readahead - adapter read prefetching)

Volume Properties





Volume Identifier


VPSA/Object Storage to which this volume is allocated


Device file name for the SN physical drive


Volume Capacity


Weather this volume is used as GEN2 SSD cache device

Storage Node

SN in which this volume is defined

Replace Volume

Toggle drive replacement for this volume

Performing Operations On Physical Drives

To view all operations that can be performed on a specific drive: From the Drives tab select the appropriate drive group and go to the drives tab. Select the required physical drive and click on the Actions button.


Disabling a drive

From the actions drop down menu select Disable a pop up confirmation window will appear in which select Disable. After operation the will complete the drive status will be changed to Disabled.

Enabling a drive

Select a disabled physical drive. From the actions drop down menu select Enable and confirm the operation in the pop up dialog that will appear. After the operation will complete the drive status will be changed to Enabled.

Managing drive LED

A Physical drive LED can be turned on\off from Command center. To manage a physical drive LED select LED On or LED Off from the actions drop down menu and confirm the operation in the pop up dialog.

Viewing drive SMART attributes

From the actions drop down menu select SMART Attributes. A pop up windows will appear displaying SMART Attributes for the specific drive.

Designating SSD drive as Cache

SSD drives installed within the cloud can be designated as cache drives that will be used in hybrid VPSA configurations.


Available capacity from an SSD drive designated as cache cannot be allocated as user data to VPSA images.

From the actions drop down menu select Designate as cache. A pop up windows will appear displaying warning information and requesting action confirmation. After confirmation drive type will be changed to SSD CACHE DRIVES.

Removing drives

Cloud administrator can initiate an orderly removal of physical Drives from the cloud via Command Center. To start the removal process select Offline and remove from the drive actions drop down menu.

Unlicensing a drive

From the actions drop down menu select Unlicense. A pop up windows will appear displaying warning information and requesting action confirmation. After confirmation drive type will be changed to Unlicensed.

Monitoring Drive Performance

To view performance statistics for a specific drive: From the Drives tab select the appropriate drive group and go to the drives tab. Select the required physical drive and go to the Performance tab. Performance statistics displayed per physical drive include :

  • Average IO rate divided in to read vs. write IOs

  • Average IO time divided in to read vs. write IOs

  • Average Bandwidth divided in to read vs. write activity


Monitoring interval can be changed supported intervals are : 1sec ,10sec, 1min, 1hr and 1day. Interactively refreshed charts can be triggered by pushing the Auto refresh button.