Boto 3 for EC2

Creating VMs - Creating Volumes - Attaching Volumes to VMs

This is a walk-through section for a script that does the following: - Creates a connection to your AWS-compatible Zadara region. - Creates a VM instance. - Creates a volume. - Attaches the volume to the VM instance.


In the examples in this section, variables are enclosed in <angle_brackets>.

  1. Start by importing the ``boto3`` and ``sys`` packages:

    import boto3
    import sys
  2. Define a ``main()`` function:

    def main():
     This script shows an example of Boto3 integration with Zadara Cloud
     Services. The scenario is as follows:
          1. Instantiate an instance from an AMI.
          2. Create a 20 GB volume.
          3. Attach the volume to the created AMI.
  3. Create a connection to your Zadara region.

    This snippet creates the connection by using the boto Session resource to create a custom session. This custom session contains the following configuration values and credentials:

    • Service name: In order to create VMs, set the service name to ec2.

    • Region: When connecting to Zadara, set the region name to symphony.

    • Endpoint URL: This is the IP of the installed Zadara region, followed by /api/v2/ec2/.

    • AWS access key and secret access key: These are the keys from the Zadara Cloud Services GUI.


    Although the keys are hard coded strings in this example, the best practice is to configure these credentials using environment variables, a shared credentials file, or other methods described in the boto documentation.

    # creating a connection to Zadara Cloud Services AWS Compatible region
    client = boto3.Session.client(boto3.session.Session(), service_name="ec2",
          endpoint_url="https://<cluster ip>/api/v2/ec2/",
  4. Get the image ID of the image to use with the VM instance to be created. This is the image that was uploaded using the Zadara Cloud Services UI.

    To do this, first use the EC2 describe_images() method to list the images in the Zadara Cloud Service.

    Then search the list of images to find the image whose Name attribute matches the name your image was given when it was uploaded through the Zadara Cloud Services UI. In this example, assume you named your image centos.

  5. Once the image to use is found, retrieve the image ID stored in its ImageId attribute and print out a status message.

    # finding our Centos image, grabbing its image ID
    images = client.describe_images()
    image_id = next(image['ImageId'] for image in images if 'centos' in image['Name']
    print "Found desired image with ID: " + image_id
  6. Create a new VM. To do this, use the run_instances() method, passing the image ID and count values. Print out a status message.

    # running a new instance using our Centos image ID
    ec2_instance = client.run_instances(
    # check if EC2 instance was created successfully
    if ec2_instance[‘ResponseMetadata’][‘HTTPStatusCode’] == 200:

    print “Successfully created instance! ” + ec2_instance[‘Instances’][0][‘InstanceId’]

  7. Create a volume, using  the create_volume() method. Note that you need to set the AvailabilityZone to symphony. Get the volume ID of the newly created volume and assign it to the volume_id variable. Print a status message.

    # create an EBS volume, 20G size
        ebs_vol = client.create_volume(
        volume_id = ebs_vol['VolumeId
    # check that the EBS volume has been created successfully
        if ebs_vol['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200:
            print "Successfully created Volume! " + volume_id
  8. Attach the volume to the VM, using the attach_volume() method. Pass in the VolumeId and the VM’s InstanceId. Set the Device name to /dev/sdm.

    # attaching EBS volume to our EC2 instance
        attach_resp = client.attach_volume(


    if __name__ == '__main__':

Full Script for Creating VMs

import boto3
import s
def main():
    This script shows and example of Boto3 integration with Zadara Cloud Services.
    The scenario is as such:
         1. Instantiate an instance from an AMI,
         2. Create a 20 GB volume,
         3. Attach the volume to the created AMI.
    # creating a connection to Zadara Cloud Services AWS Compatible region
    client = boto3.Session.client(boto3.session.Session(), service_name="ec2", region_name="symphony",
                                  endpoint_url="https://<cluster ip>/api/v2/ec2/",
    # finding our Centos image, grabbing its image ID
    images = client.describe_images()
    image_id = next(image['ImageId'] for image in images if 'centos' in image['Name'
    print "Found desired image with ID: " + image_
    # running a new instance using our Centos image ID
    ec2_instance = client.run_instances(

    # check if EC2 instance was created successfully
    if ec2_instance['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200:
        print "Successfully created instance! " + ec2_instance['Instances'][0]['InstanceId
    # create an EBS volume, 20G size
    ebs_vol = client.create_volume(

    volume_id = ebs_vol['VolumeId
    # check that the EBS volume had been created successfully
    if ebs_vol['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200:
        print "Successfully created Volume! " + volume_
    # attaching EBS volume to our EC2 instance
    attach_resp = client.attach_volume(

    if __name__ == '__main__':

Creating VPCs and Security Groups

This snippet displays how to do the following:

  • Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnet.

  • Create a security group with ingress rules.

  • Create a VM that resides in the subnet and uses the security group.

# create VPC
vpc = boto.create_vpc(CidrBlock='')
vpc_id = vpc['Vpc']['VpcId']

# create subnet
subnet = boto.create_subnet(VpcId=vpc_id, CidrBlock='')

# create security group
response = boto.create_security_group(GroupName='my_group_name', Description='my_description', VpcId=vpc_id)
security_group_id = response['GroupId']

# add two ingress rules to the newly created security group,
# CIDR notation "" allows access from anywhere
boto.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=security_group_id, IpPermissions=},
    {'FromPort': 4000, 'ToPort': 4000, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp', 'IpRanges': [{'CidrIp': ''}]}])

# create instance assuming that the image id is image_id
i1 = self.boto.run_instances(ImageId=image_id, MinCount=1, MaxCount=1,
                             NetworkInterfaces=[{'SubnetId': subnet_id, 'Groups': , 'DeviceIndex': 0}])

Creating Key Pairs and Floating IPs

This snippet displays how to create a key pair and floating IP address.

# create a new key pair for your account
key = boto.create_key_pair(KeyName="my_key_name")

# get the unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key
# these will later be added to the machine
# from which to access the instance
pem = key['KeyMaterial']

i1 = boto.run_instances(KeyName='my_key_name', ImageId=image_id, MinCount=1, MaxCount=1,
                        NetworkInterfaces=[{'SubnetId': subnet_id, 'Groups': , 'DeviceIndex': 0}])

# create a floating IP in our VPC
allocation = sboto.allocate_address(Domain='vpc')
allocation_id = allocation['AllocationId']

# associate address with instance after getting its ID
boto.associate_address(InstanceId=i1_instance_id, allocation_id)

Boto 3 Quick Ref for EC2

import boto
client = boto3.client('ec2')
| Commonly used methods                                                                                                                         |
| `run_instances <>`__ (create one or more instances) |
| `describe_instances <>`__                      |
| `start_instances <>`__                            |
| `stop_instances <>`__                              |
| `reboot_instances <>`__                          |
| `terminate_instances <>`__                    |
| `create_volume <>`__                                |
| `attach_volume <>`__                                |
| `create_image <>`__                                  |


Other EC2 methods are documented here.